Will I Have to Submit Fingerprint Cards . . . ?
  • If you now hold or have previously held a Nebraska educator certificate or permit, you are exempt from the criminal record history check and are not required to submit fingerprint cards
  • If you have not lived in Nebraska continuously for the past five (5) years immediately prior to filing your application with the Nebraska Department of Education, you are required to submit fingerprint cards and fingerprint processing fee of $50 in addition to any certification processing fee
  • If you have been a continuous Nebraska resident for the past five (5) years immediately prior to filing your application with the Nebraska Department of Education, you are not required to submit fingerprint cards
  •      301 Centennial Mall South       PO Box 94987       Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4987  
         Phone: 402-471-0739       Fax: 402-742-2359
      Website: www.education.ne.gov/tcert Email: nde.tcertweb@nebraska.gov
         Twitter: @nde_tcert