Teacher Certification Home Page Nebraska Department of Education Home Page
Welcome to the Nebraska Teacher
     Certification Interactive Web Site

What is the purpose of this interactive site?  
  • This interactive site has been designed to assist new applicants in choosing the certificate and permit most appropriate based upon educational background and employment experience
    What Certificate types are offered?
  • The Nebraska Department of Education - Teacher Certification offers Teaching, Administrative, and Special Services certificates and permits
    How will eligibility be determined?
  • You will respond to two (2) sets of statements that address the academic and state requirements
  • Based upon your response to these statements, you will be promptly directed to an application for the type of certificate you are seeking
  • Or, you will be directed to the certificate(s) for which you are most eligible
    Are my only choices for Nebraska certification limited to the results listed on the interactive site?
  • No - you may return to the Home Page at any time to review other options for certification in Nebraska
    You may begin the interactive process by clicking on the NEXT button below.
    This interactive site and the other information available will make the certification process easier for you. If at any time you need further assistance with this process, you may contact an analyst at the following address: nde.tcertweb@nebraska.gov
    or by phone at: 402-471-0739